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Basic General Information
Conventional long form – Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Conventional short form – Sri Lanka
Former – Ceylon
Area – 65,610 sq. km
Land – 62,705 sq. km
Inland Waters – 2,905 sq. km
Length – 445 km
Breadth – 225 km
Capital – Sri Jayewardenepura
Commercial Capital – Colombo
Government – Sri Lanka, is a free, independent and sovereign nation with a population of 20.3 million (2011 EST.). Legislative power is exercised by a Parliament, elected by universal franchise on proportional representation basis. A President, who is also elected by the people, exercises executive power including defense. Sri Lanka enjoys a multi-party system, and the people vote to elect a new government every six years.
Population – 20.3 million+
Population Density – 325 Population per sq. km
Population Growth Rate – 0.65 (Provisional)
Life Expectancy at Birth Female – 78.6, Male – 72.0 (2011-2013)
Literacy Rate – 93.1%
Digital Literacy Rate – 60%
Languages – Sinhala & Tamil is widely spoken throughout Sri Lanka.
Ethnic Mix
Sinhalese – 74.9%
Sri Lankan Tamil – 11.2%
Indian Tamil – 4.1%
Sri Lanka Moor – 9.3%
Burgher – 0.2%
Malay – 0.2%
Others – 0.1% (descendants of Dutch and Portuguese colonist) and others 0.5% (2012 EST.)
Buddhist – 70.1%
Hindu – 12.6%
Islam – 9.7%
Roman Catholic – 6.2%
Other Christian – 1.4%
Others – 0.0%
Low lands – tropical, average 27°C Central Hills – cooler, with temperatures dropping to 14°C. The south-west monsoon brings rain to the western, southern and central regions from May to July. While the north-eastern monsoon occurs in the north and east in December and January. Sri Lanka boasts of a good climate for holiday-makers throughout the year.
Per-Capita Gross National Income (at current prices) – USD 3,268 (2022, Provisional)
Annual per capital GNP – US $2580 (2011 EST.)
Per Capita GDP (at current market prices) – Rs. 1,088,667.15 (2022, Provisional)
Industries – Metal, dye & mold machinery tools & allied industries; Timber , Wood based industries & furniture industries; Automotive assembly electronics & automotive industries; Electrical related industries; Western & local pharmaceutical & allied industries; Granite , tile , pottery , ceramics & building related industries; Links , chemicals, printing materials & allied industries; Cosmetic & allied industries; Gem & jewelry related industries; Minerals & allied industries; Garment, Textiles & allied industries
Agriculture Products – Paddy, Tea, Rubber, Coconut, Cereals, Pulses, Oil seeds, Roots and tubers, Low country vegetables, Up country vegetables, Minor exports, Fruits, Other perennial, Leaves, Other, Livestock, Slaughter, Milk, Fisheries and aquatic resources.
Currency – Sri Lanka follows decimal currency system in the denominations of Rs. 2,10,20,50,100,200, 500, 1000, 2000, and 5000 in Rupees (Rs.) and cents (Cts.) with 100 cents equal to a rupee. Currency notes and Coins are issued in values of Cts.1, 2,5,10, 25 and 50 and Rs.1, 2, 5 and 10. The intervention currency continuously will be the US Dollar.
Visa – Consult your local Sri Lanka embassy, consulate, tourist office or your travel agent.
Working a Week – Sri Lanka works a five-day week, from Monday to Friday.
Business Hours – Government offices 8.35 a.m. – 4.15 p.m., Monday to Friday
Banks – 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. or 3.00 p.m. Monday to Saturday
Post Office – 8.30 a.m. – 5.00 p.m., Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. on Saturday. The Central Mail Exchange, at D.R.Wijewardene Mawatha, Colombo 10. (Telephone: 326203) is open 24-hours.
Location – An island off the south-eastern cost shores of India, 880 km north of the equator, in the Indian Ocean. It lies between 5° 55′ and 9° 55′ north of the equator and between the eastern longitudes 79° 42′ and 81° 52′.
Feature – Encompassed beautiful tropical beaches, verdant vegetation, ancient monuments and a thousand delights to please all tastes. The relief features of the island consist of a mountainous mass somewhat south of the Centre, with height exceeding 2,500 meters, surrounded by broad plains. Palm fringed beaches surround the island and the sea temperature rarely falls below 27°C.
Total Export (2023)
FOB Value (Rs.) FOB Value (US$)
3,828,346,947,084.00 11,688,429,212.88
Total Import (2023)
CIF Value (Rs.) CIF Value (US$)
5,321,250,827,469.00 16,246,454,274.02

Recent excavations show that even during the Neolithic Age, there were food gatherers and rice cultivators in Sri Lanka. Very little is known of this period documented history began with the arrival of the Aryans from North India. The Aryans introduced the use of iron and an advanced form of agriculture and irrigation. They also introduced the art of government. Of the Aryan settlements, Anuradhapura grew into a powerful kingdom under the rule of king Pandukabhaya. According to traditional history he is accepted as the founder of Anuradhapura.
During the reign of King Devanampiya Tissa, a descendent of Pandukabhaya, Buddhism was introduced in 247 B.C. by Arahat Mahinda, the son of Emperor Asoka of India. This is the most important event in Sri Lankan history as it set the country on the road to cultural greatness. As a new civilization flourished Sri Lanka became rich and prosperous.
In the mid-2nd century B.C. a large part of north Sri Lanka came under the rule of an invader from South India. From the beginning of the Christian era and up to the end of the 4th century A.D. Sri
Lanka was governed by an unbroken dynasty called Lambakarna, which paid great attention to the development of irrigation. A great king of this dynasty, Mahasen (3rd century A.D.) started the construction of large `tanks’ or irrigation reservoirs. Another great `tank’ builder was Dhatusena, who was put to death by his son Kasyapa who made Sigiriya a royal city with his fortress capital on the summit of the rock.
As a result of invasions from South India the kingdom of Anuradhapura fell by the end of the 10th century A.D. Vijayabahu 1 repulsed the invaders and established his capital at Polonnaruwa in the 11th century A.D. Other great kings of Polonnaruwa were Parakrama Bahu the Great and Nissanka Malla both of whom adorned the city with numerous buildings of architectural beauty.
Crisis of the Sixteenth Century (1505–1658)
Portuguese invasion
A Portuguese (later Dutch) fort in Batticaloa, Eastern Province built in the 16th century.The first Europeans to visit Sri Lanka in modern times were the Portuguese: Lourenço de Almeida arrived in 1505 and found that the island, divided into seven warring kingdoms, was unable to fend off intruders. The Portuguese founded a fort at the port city of Colombo in 1517 and gradually extended their control over the coastal areas. In 1592, the Sinhalese moved their capital to the inland city of Kandy, a location more secure against attack from invaders. Intermittent warfare continued through the 16th century.
Many lowland Sinhalese converted to Christianity due to missionary campaigns by the Portuguese while the coastal Moors were religiously persecuted and forced to retreat to the Central highlands. The Buddhist majority disliked the Portuguese occupation and its influences, welcoming any power who might rescue them. When the Dutch captain Joris van Spilbergen landed in 1602, the king of Kandy appealed to him for help.
Dutch invasion (1658-1796)
Rajasinghe II, the king of Kandy, made a treaty with the Dutch in 1638 to get rid of the Portuguese who ruled most of the coastal areas of the island. The main conditions of the treaty were that the Dutch were to hand over the coastal areas they had captured to the Kandyan king in return for a Dutch trade monopoly over the island. The agreement was breached by both parties. The Dutch captured Colombo in 1656 and the last Portuguese strongholds near Jaffnapatnam in 1658. By 1660 they controlled the whole island except the land-locked kingdom of Kandy. The Dutch (Protestants) persecuted the Catholics and the remaining Portuguese settlers but left Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims alone. The Dutch levied far heavier taxes on the people than the Portuguese had done.
Colonial Sri Lanka (1815–1948)
During the Napoleonic Wars, Great Britain, fearing that French control of the Netherlands (and thus the Dutch East Indies, i.e. Indonesia) might deliver the island to the French, occupied its coastal areas with little difficulty in 1796. In 1802, the Treaty of Amiens formally ceded the Dutch part of the island to Britain and it became a crown colony. In 1803, the British invaded the Kingdom of Kandy in the first Kandyan War, but were repulsed. In 1815 Kandy was annexed in the second Kandyan War, finally ending Sri Lankan independence.
Following the suppression of the Uva Rebellion, the Kandyan peasantry were stripped of their lands by the Crown Lands (Encroachments) Ordinance No. 12 of 1840 (sometimes called the Crown Lands Ordinance or the Waste Lands Ordinance),[44] a modern enclosure movement, and reduced to penury. The British found that the uplands of Sri Lanka were very suitable for coffee, tea and rubber cultivation. By the mid-19th century, Ceylon tea had become a staple of the British market, bringing great wealth to a small number of European tea planters. The planters imported large numbers of Tamil workers as indentured labourers from south India to work the estates, who soon made up 10% of the island’s population.
The British colonial administration favoured the Eurasian Burghers, certain high-caste Sinhalese and the Tamils, who were mainly concentrated to the north of the country. Nevertheless, the British also introduced democratic elements to Sri Lanka for the first time in its history and the Burghers were given a degree of self-government as early as 1833. It was not until 1909 that constitutional development began, with a partly elected assembly, and not until 1920 that elected members outnumbered official appointees. Universal suffrage was introduced in 1931 over the protests of the Sinhalese, Tamil and Burgher elite who objected to the common people being allowed to vote.

Sri Lanka is mainly an agricultural country. The chief crop is rice with which the country is almost self-sufficient. Tea, Rubber and Coconut are also important agricultural crops, with Tea being a major foreign exchange earner. In addition, other crops of importance are Cocoa and Spices such as Cinnamon, Cardamom, Nutmeg, Pepper and Cloves. Fruit and vegetables, native to both tropical and temperate regions, grow well in Sri Lanka. And also Sri Lanka is producing important authentic & endemic local herbals & value added herbal products. They are very much popular among the local people + experienced foreigners. Sri Lanka is also a major exporter of precious and semi-precious stones like Gems. Within the last few years remittances from Sri Lankans employed abroad have contributed a large share towards foreign exchange.
The last three decades have seen tourism emerge as an important industry. There has also been a rapid growth in manufacturing industries which offer a wide range of export goods such as petroleum products, leather goods, readymade garments and electronic equipment.
Sri Lanka has a population of 22 million of whom the majority are Sinhalese (74.9%). Other ethnic groups are made up of Sri Lankan Tamils (11.2%), Indian Tamils (4.1%), Moors (9.3%), Malays (0.2%), Burghers (0.2%) and others (0.1%). Although Sri Lanka is a multi-religious country, Buddhists constitute the majority with 70.1%. Other religious groups are Hindus (12.6%), Islam (9.7%), Roman Catholics (6.2%) and Other Christians (1.4%). Sri Lanka’s literacy rate of 93.1% is one of the highest in Asia.
Although Sri Lanka is a multi-religious country, Buddhists constitute the majority with 69.3%. Other religious groups are Hindus 15.5%, Muslims 7.6% and Christians 7.5%. Sri Lanka’s literacy rate of 88.6% is one of the highest in Asia.

Language & Religion
Sinhala, Tamil and English are official languages in Sri Lanka. Sinhala, a language of Indo-Aryan origin is the language of the majority. Tamil is a Dravidian language spoken predominantly in North-east Sri Lanka. English is widely spoken and understood.
Place names and sign-boards on buses and trains are usually in all three languages. Sri Lanka is a land of religious freedom and tolerance. Wherever you travel you will come across a Buddhist Temple or Stupa, a Hindu Kovil, a Christian Church or a Mosque, each with its own distinctive architecture. When visiting holy places please conform to the requirements as regards dress in order not to show disrespect. Related sites

Buddhism is the main religion of Sri Lanka where it was officially introduced in the third century B.C. during the reign of King Devanam Piyatissa by Venerable Mahinda who was son of Emperor Asoka of India. No sooner than it was introduced here the new teaching caught up with the inhabitants of the country so rapidly that within a few months’ time the entire country became Buddhist. In Sri Lanka it has found its most congenial permanent home.
Buddhism is the practical system of psychological and philosophical ethics taught to humanity by the Indian prince Siddhartha Gauthama in the 6th century B.C. He was born on the full – moon day of May in the year 623 B.C. as the son of Suddhodana, a provincial ruler of the kingdom of Kapilavastu in Central India. His teaching has today become a world religion providing inspiration and guidance to nearly one fourth of the world’s population.
He lived the house – hold life for twenty-nine years, the last thirteen years of which constituted his married life with princes Yasodhara. As a royal prince born with the silver spoon in the month he led a luxurious life. However, he had been a very contemplative person from his young days and this nature of his did not make him happy amidst his royal luxury. To him such enjoyment did not make any appeal because he saw that it was fleeting and temporary and as such, in the ultimate analysis, life is painful. All so-called pleasures are delusive. Amidst comfort and prosperity he realized the University of Sorrow inherent in human existence.
Despite all the efforts of man to achieve happiness in this world, human suffering stares in the face of all living beings. Search after worldly pleasures available to him and donning the simple garb of an ascetic, alone and penniless, he wandered forth from home to homelessness in search of Truth and Peace, which to him appeared as an attainable objective.
Initially, he went to all the distinguished teachers at the time all of whom failed to meet his demands. He was determined to find it for himself. This was followed by six years of painful austerities which too proved futile. However, by directing the searchlight inward, followed by a severe mental and an emotional struggle, he ultimately achieved his cherished goal on the full moon day of May 588 B.C. under the Bodhi Tree at Buddhagaya in India.

Climate & Seasons
In the lowlands the climate is typically tropical with an average temperature of 27°C in Colombo. In the higher elevations it can be quite cool with temperatures going down to 16°C at an altitude of nearly 2,000 meters. Bright, sunny warm days are the rule and are common even during the height of the monsoon – climatically Sri Lanka has no off season. The south west monsoon brings rain mainly from May to July to the western, southern and central regions of the island, while the north-east monsoon rains occur in the northern and eastern regions in December and January.

Sri Lanka National Emblems
The national emblem of Sri Lanka is used by the State of Sri Lanka and the Sri Lankan government in connection with the administration and government of the country. The current emblem has been in use since 1972 and created under the ideas and guidance of Nissanka Wijeyeratne. At the time, he was Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and Chairman of the National Emblem and Flag Design Committee. The designer of the emblem was Venerable Mapalagama Wipulasara Maha Thera, and the artwork was by S. M. Seneviratne.
The emblem features a gold lion passant, holding a sword in its right forepaw (the same lion from the flag of Sri Lanka) in the Centre on a maroon background surrounded by golden petals of a Blue Lotus the national flower of the country. This is placed on top of a traditional grain vase that sprouts sheaves of rice grains that circle the border reflecting prosperity.
The crest is the Dharmachakra, symbolizing the country’s foremost place for Buddhism and just rule. Traditional Sinhalese heraldic symbols for the sun and the moon form the supporters.
Sri Lanka National Anthem
After independence was granted to Sri Lanka in 1948, the need for a national anthem arose. As a result of a contest, Ananda Samarkone’s contribution, written in Sinhalese, was chosen as the new anthem. The Tamil lyrics have the same meaning as the Sinhalese lyrics. It was first performed on the fourth anniversary of independence in early 1952.
Sinhala Lyrics of National Anthem
Sri Lanka Matha, apa Sri Lanka,
Namo Namo Namo Namo Matha.
Sundara siri barini,
Surändi athi Sobamana Lanka
Dhanya dhanaya neka mal pala thuru piri, jaya bhoomiya ramya.
Apa hata säpa siri setha sadana, jee vanaye Matha!
Piliganu mana apa bhakti pooja,
Namo Namo Matha.
Apa Sri Lanka,
Namo Namo Namo Namo Matha,
apa Sri Lanka, Namo Namo Namo Namo Matha.
Obave apa vidya obamaya apa sathya obave apa shakti
apa hada thula bhakti oba apa aloke
apage anuprane oba apa jeevana ve
apa muktiya obave
Nava jeevana demine nithina apa
Pubudu karan matha
Gnana veerya vadavamina ragena yanu
mana jaya bhoomi kara
Eka mavekuge daru kala bavina
yamu yamu wee nopama
Prema vadamu sama bheda durara da
Namo Namo Matha
Apa Sri Lanka Namo Namo Namo Namo Matha

Sri Lanka National Flag
The National Flag of Sri Lanka represents the country and her heritage as rallying device that integrates the minorities with the majority race.
Sri Lanka National Flag is an improvisation of the civil standard of the last king of Sri Lanka, Sri Wickrama Rajasingha.
The civil standard had a passant royal lion with a sword in its right forepaw at the center, and a bo-leaf on each of the four corners on a plain border.
When Sri Lanka gained her independence from Great Britain on February 04, 1948, it was the lion flag of the last king of Sri Lanka was hoisted once again.
The first Prime Minister of independent Sri Lanka, D.S.Senanayake, appointed a committee to advice the government on the design of a new national flag. The design approved by the committee in February 1950 retained the symbol of the lion with the sword and the bo-leaves from the civil standard of the last king of Sri Lanka, with the inclusion of two vertical stripes green and orange in color.
The significance of each symbol of the national flag is as follows:
- The lion in the flag represents the Sinhala race.
- The sword of the lion represents the sovereignty of the country.
- Curly hair on the lion’s head indicates religious observance, wisdom and meditation.
- The beard denotes purity of words.
- The handle of the sword highlights the elements of water, fire, air and earth.
- The nose indicates intelligence.
- The two front paws purport to purity in handling wealth.
- The vertical stripe of orange represent the minority Tamil race and the green vertical stripe the minority Muslim race.
- The four virtues of kindness: KINDNESS, FRIENDLINESS, HAPPINESS, EQUANIMITY are also represented in the flag.
- The border round the flag, which is yellow in color, represents other minor races.
- The bo-leaves at the four corners of the flag represent Buddhism and its influence on the nation. They also stand for the four virtues – Kindness, Friendliness, Happiness and Equanimity.
- The maroon colored portion of the flag manifests the other minor religions.
The national flag was hoisted for the first time on March 3, 1950.

Sri Lanka National Tree
The Ironwood (Na Tree), botanically known as”Mesua Nagassarium” was declared the National Tree on 26th February 1986.
It was chosen as the National Tree for several reasons.
· It is a tree which originated in Sri Lanka
· Its utility
· Historic and cultural importance
· Exterior posture
· Wide distribution
· Color and nature
· Ability to draw and sketch it easily
This rain forest tree grows to about 30 m high and indigenous to the lower wet Zone of Sri Lanka. Remarkable Features of NA is beautiful bright Red Leaves and finally matured in to a deep green. Timber has a very hardness and durability and used to make bridges in the early times. Now it is not allowed to use for timber due to its religious value. The flower of NA is also used in herbal medicine and preparation of perfumes, cosmetics and soaps.
It is believed that the first visit of Buddha was to grove of a Na Tree at Mahiyangana and also the next Buddha (Maitreya) will attain enlightenment under a NA tree.

Sri Lanka National Flower
The “Nil Mahanel” flower, botanically known as “Nymphaea stellata” was declared the National Flower of Sri Lanka on 26th February 1986

Sri Lanka National Bird
Sri Lanka Jungle Fowl – Very colorful ground bird, endemic to Sri Lanka is the national bird of Sri Lanka. Distributed commonly in Sri Lanka’s jungle and dense scrub throughout. Roosts high in trees at nights. Flies up to tree branches when threatened. Nests in hidden, scraped place on the ground or on a pile of vegetation just off the ground. Sinharaja is a very good site to watch Sri Lanka Jungle Fowl.